30+ years of art.

In 2023, for health reasons (both physical and mental) I decided to retire from the professional part of being an artist. And before you say that artists don’t retire, I can assure you that this one did. And life is much better.

Retirement was not on the table until I started taking stock of how hard it was to get everything done that I wanted to do. I had planned to continue my professional career until I was carted away in a box. But life throws stuff at you that you don’t expect and so I decided to let go of the part of my life that defined me for over thirty years.

It took a long time to stop thinking in terms of putting my work out there in the public eye, to shut down all links for residencies, show applications and slide registries. I wondered what I was supposed to be doing, all the while learning to enjoy just being. Traveling to places like Nice, Chicago and Detroit just to see art was mind opening. I started enjoying simpler rituals like walking the dog and getting a drink each day at the local coffee shop.

Then clay found me. And once again I jumped into another medium, one that I have always loved but didn’t have the patience for. One that requires time for dialog, for intimacy, for honesty. I now understand how luxurious it is to just create for oneself. To make something that at the end of the day makes me happy. It is a gift.

The tempo of my life has changed, the delight in learning the ins and outs of another medium hasn’t. So I decided to rework this website to share my artistic journey and all the different media I have been blessed (and stubborn enough) to explore. Some were more successful than others. But they all helped me to be a better artist and better person.

And to all the great people I have met along the way, my immense gratitude and love for the support, kindness, fascination and delight you have expressed about my work. I hope I made your world a better place in a very small way. And because the journey does not seem to be over, I invite you to keep following me on instagram and facebook to see where my journey takes me next.